All material from TOILET-CLUB.Net comply with US law regarding adult contents, any user or third party has the rights to monitor or complaint about any illegal contents. We have the following garentee and procedure:
*** Any user or third party can complain suspicious content in this website;
*** All complaintes will be reviewed and result will be replied by email within 7 business days;
*** For anyone, please write email to and outline:
[1] url of suspicous content, and
[2] the underlying reason for such complain.
*** For all complaints, following results can be reached:
[1] complaint is valid, they will be removed from site within 3 business days, or
[2] complaint is not accepted by site, the reasons will be given and user can report further to CCBill for investigation if not satisfied.
Appeals: If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending an email here Should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal, we will allow the disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body.